Location Information

  • The Signal
  • 21 Choo Choo Ave, Chattanooga, TN, 37402

  • 1 ticket to the event

  • A table of 10 guests

  • Company logo/name on the cigar bar

  • Company logo/name on the tasting bar

  • Company logo/name on one Casino Game

  • Logo/Company name on the food stations and table for 10 at the event

  • One table of 10 and signage on the bar.
    *Custom drink can be created for an additional $500*

  • Combination of 2 "Un-Teal" event sponsorships. These can be teams in the Sporting Clays, Golf Tournament, or tables at the Casino Night.

    Sponsorship includes additional signage on the pavilion at events, player gifts, and more!

  • Combination of 3 "Un-Teal" event sponsorships. These can be teams in the Sporting Clays, Golf Tournament, or tables at the Casino Night.

    Sponsorship includes additional signage (Stand, Tee, Gaming Table, Pavillion) at events, player gifts, and more!

  • Combination of 4 "Un-Teal" event sponsorships. These can be teams in the Sporting Clays, Golf Tournament, or tables at the Casino Night.

    Sponsorship includes additional signage (Driving Range, Tee, Stand, Gaming Tables, and Pavilion) at events, player gifts, and more!


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RedPodium Sports Event Management System